EZGO 4 Cycle 1991 to 2002 Ignition Coil Testing

Here is the testing procedure for the EZGO 4 Cycle 1991 to 2002 ignition coil. I would recommend testing the old one and the new so you can compare results.  Another common failure is the ignitor as well. To check the ignition coil on a 1991 to 2002 4 Cycle EZGO Gas golf cart you will need a multimeter capable of reading ohms Ω

With the coil completely disconnected perform the following tests

Check the Primary Coil:

Set your multimeter to the ohms Ω setting and place one lead on each of the silver spade terminals sticking off the top of the ignition coil.  Wait 3-5 seconds and the reading should be between 3.7 and 5.2 ohms on the meter if the coil is good

Check the Secondary Coil:

Set your multimeter to the ohms Ω setting and place one lead in the end of each spark plug connector making sure to make contact with the metal ring all the way in the bottom and side of the connector.  Wait 3-5 seconds and the reading should be between 10.0 and 17.0 ohms on the meter if the coil is good

Item Reference Number: ENG-111 , 5141 , 26652G01 , 26652-G01

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